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We've dressed up the library...Suddenly everyone wants to read Jane Austen!!!#allcanwewill


🏆HGABR WINNERS!📷 Students in Yr8 &9 won the mock trial competition on Saturday, prosecuting and defending a case at Magistrates Court! Phenomenal work girls 📷


These girls really are National Reading Champions. Well done, it was a tough quiz, but a fun day.


Hey Book Lovers! On Friday, we have two teams competing live at the regional championships for the National Reading Champions Quiz. It's a gruelling two hours. Good luck everyone!#allcanwewill


Space Fever during HGABR Science Week. Our future engineers and astronauts loved their online meeting with Helen Sharman, a pioneering British astronaut.#science


HGABR is blasting off at 2pm with Helen Sharman, Britain’s first Astronaut. In an online Rocket Workshop, the girls will be able to speak to Helen and listen to her adventures. Today Bromley, tomorrow the Moon!!!#AllCanWeWill


On Wednesday we took our keen Year 8 and 9 scientists to the They had an amazing time 🧪🎈


Get the film camera out!!! Another highlight from our sixth form trip to Ravensbourne University.#filmmaking


An amazing day at Ravensbourne University with six of our talented sixth formers and our fabulous governor, Richard Hughes. The students explored their passion for TV and film.#greenscreen


Our future rocket scientists continue their research into spacecraft propulsion. This morning they launched their first water rockets into the sky above HGABR library. NASA watch this space...


📚 World Book Day 2025 at HGABR was so much fun! 📚 our girls took part in a quote treasure hunt matching quotes, characters, books and teachers! Prizes awarded tomorrow….


Super shooting, amazing defence and awesome play from our Year 7 netballers yesterday evening in a 10-1 WIN!


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a student in possession of a good mind must be in want of a book on World Book Day.


It's NEW BOOK WEDNESDAY! We are celebrating World Book Day every day at our library. Here is today's selection of new books, which includes Simon Schama's Rough Crossings and Antonia Fraser's Love And Louis XIV.


World Book Day madness. Every day this week, the HGABR library will have a table of brand new books. Today's collection includes the poetry of Philip Larkin & the wonderful Hija de la Fortuna by Isabella Allende.


Grades that mean opportunity and choice over the future they desire. Our students continually amaze us by their hard work, dedication & determination. It is wonderful to see them take full advantage of all the opportunities available at HGABR. 2/2


We are so very proud that Harris Girls' Academy Bromley continues to be in the top 100schools in the country!We continue to be the top performing non-selective school in Students leave us with considerably higher grades than if they went elsewhere 1/2


SHOOTING FOR THE MOON!!! This week, our potential Bromley Girls’ astronauts joined a live workshop with NASA engineer, Branelle Rodriguez. They traded questions about the Artemis missions to the moon, and how new Deep Space Craft are the next step to a manned expedition to Mars!


Our year 12 students delivered a fantastic set of sessions for year 11s in the Sixth Form Sample. We hope to see all of you next year!


We are en route to Beckenham. We should be there around 10.10pm

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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Equalities & Additional Intervention

We believe that all children should be equally valued at our Academy. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe. We have a range of agreed policies.

Harris Girls' Academy Bromley is committed to inclusion and part of the Academy’s strategic planning involves developing cultures, policies and practices that include all learners. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways that take in to account their varied life experiences and needs.

We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their demographic. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners:

  • Students from families that are financially disadvantaged (PP - Pupil Premium)
  • Students who arrive with below nationally expected ability in any area (LAPs)
  • Boys or Girls
  • Students from minority faiths, ethnicities, travellers, asylum seekers, refugees
  • Students who have English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Students who have Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
  • Students who are Gifted and Talented (G&T)
  • Students who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)
  • Students who are Looked After Children (LAC)
  • Young carers, sick children, children from families under stress


Pupil Premium (PP)

An Academy Governor is responsible for monitoring the Pupil Premium strategy. She visits the Academy each term and receives an update on the impact of funding. She also meets with children and the Faculty Director in charge of Pupil Premium and produces a report and feedback for the wider Governing Body.  

Attendance is monitored weekly and the attendance team produce a weekly report that is discussed at the Academy Leadership Group meeting.  Academic performance is further monitored each term and impact reports are produced and shared with the Governing Body. Attendance at enrichment activities, academic lectures and during LRC sessions is monitored weekly to ensure that Pupil Premium students are benefiting from the extended curriculum, as much as those who are not Pupil Premium.

A Pupil Premium strategy review takes place between September and October, of each academic year. The Executive Principal holds the budget for Pupil Premium and authorises all expenditure. Pupil Premium funding is currently targeted at three aspects of: student development; teaching and learning, attendance and behaviour.

Further details of our Pupil Premium spending plan can be found in the document at the bottom of this page.

Literacy catch-up

Catch-up funding is used to reduce the size of English classes, create additional ‘literacy’ lessons each week for Year 7 and Year 8, buy in additional speech and language therapy sessions and provide additional literacy sessions with a specialist HLTA.

Lucid testing and GL assessments are in place to ensure that students receiving support make progress. We provide specialist literacy support for girls who arrive with a reading age below seven years and/or KS2 below 4. We have targeted reading intervention for any student who has a reading age below 7 and will be targeting a small group through the introduction of The Hackney Trust literacy programme. 

We have a dedicated English specialist who provides mentoring and subject specialist intervention for all girls who arrive in the Academy with Reading, Writing and Speaking score of below 4.

Numeracy catch-up

There is a numeracy section in the students’ planners, which the students have out in all lessons to help them in all their subjects. The introduction of the online resource Hegarty maths, means that students are able to access a targeted online learning platform outside of lessons.

During Maths lessons, we ensure our strongest teachers are with the students who need more support with basic numeracy. We have employed a dedicated Maths HLTA who provides support in and out of lessons to ensure that all girls who arrive with a KS2 level below 4 make at least expected progress. Students who require additional numeracy support receive this via discreet maths lessons built into their personalised curriculum.


16-19 Tuition Funding

For details of the 16-19 tuition funding for 2023-24 please click HERE.

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