Celebrating Achievements
In order for students to reach high standards as well as enjoy their education, a calm, purposeful environment is essential both inside and outside the classroom.
Students will be expected to follow the code of conduct and safety rules which are summarised in the student planners.
An Academy ethos of encouragement is central to the promotion of positive learning behaviour and our Academy structure for recognising achievement. Sanctions are used to respond to poor learning behaviour, these are applied consistently, giving students opportunities to de-escalate sanctions at each stage.
Celebrating achievements
COR rewards system
The COR (Commitment, Optimism, Resilience) Rewards System runs on a fortnightly cycle throughout the academic year. All staff are issued with a COR card which will be issued to a student for showing one of the three strands both in and out of the classroom. Those students issued with a card will be entered into a fortnightly and termly raffle to win a selection of prizes and reward trips.
Reward cards
Students are issued with subject rewards cards for showing excellence within their individual subjects. Students will receive a postcard from their teacher containing a unique code where they can be directed to a website to enter competitions and gain further rewards.
Celebration of Achievement Evening
The end of year will culminate in our annual Celebration of Achievement Evening held in July. Students will be nominated across their subjects and will receive a formal invite to attend the evening alongside their families to receive their prize.