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We've dressed up the library...Suddenly everyone wants to read Jane Austen!!!#allcanwewill


🏆HGABR WINNERS!📷 Students in Yr8 &9 won the mock trial competition on Saturday, prosecuting and defending a case at Magistrates Court! Phenomenal work girls 📷


These girls really are National Reading Champions. Well done, it was a tough quiz, but a fun day.


Hey Book Lovers! On Friday, we have two teams competing live at the regional championships for the National Reading Champions Quiz. It's a gruelling two hours. Good luck everyone!#allcanwewill


Space Fever during HGABR Science Week. Our future engineers and astronauts loved their online meeting with Helen Sharman, a pioneering British astronaut.#science


HGABR is blasting off at 2pm with Helen Sharman, Britain’s first Astronaut. In an online Rocket Workshop, the girls will be able to speak to Helen and listen to her adventures. Today Bromley, tomorrow the Moon!!!#AllCanWeWill


On Wednesday we took our keen Year 8 and 9 scientists to the They had an amazing time 🧪🎈


Get the film camera out!!! Another highlight from our sixth form trip to Ravensbourne University.#filmmaking


An amazing day at Ravensbourne University with six of our talented sixth formers and our fabulous governor, Richard Hughes. The students explored their passion for TV and film.#greenscreen


Our future rocket scientists continue their research into spacecraft propulsion. This morning they launched their first water rockets into the sky above HGABR library. NASA watch this space...


📚 World Book Day 2025 at HGABR was so much fun! 📚 our girls took part in a quote treasure hunt matching quotes, characters, books and teachers! Prizes awarded tomorrow….


Super shooting, amazing defence and awesome play from our Year 7 netballers yesterday evening in a 10-1 WIN!


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a student in possession of a good mind must be in want of a book on World Book Day.


It's NEW BOOK WEDNESDAY! We are celebrating World Book Day every day at our library. Here is today's selection of new books, which includes Simon Schama's Rough Crossings and Antonia Fraser's Love And Louis XIV.


World Book Day madness. Every day this week, the HGABR library will have a table of brand new books. Today's collection includes the poetry of Philip Larkin & the wonderful Hija de la Fortuna by Isabella Allende.


Grades that mean opportunity and choice over the future they desire. Our students continually amaze us by their hard work, dedication & determination. It is wonderful to see them take full advantage of all the opportunities available at HGABR. 2/2


We are so very proud that Harris Girls' Academy Bromley continues to be in the top 100schools in the country!We continue to be the top performing non-selective school in Students leave us with considerably higher grades than if they went elsewhere 1/2


SHOOTING FOR THE MOON!!! This week, our potential Bromley Girls’ astronauts joined a live workshop with NASA engineer, Branelle Rodriguez. They traded questions about the Artemis missions to the moon, and how new Deep Space Craft are the next step to a manned expedition to Mars!


Our year 12 students delivered a fantastic set of sessions for year 11s in the Sixth Form Sample. We hope to see all of you next year!


We are en route to Beckenham. We should be there around 10.10pm

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Careers Education - Bromley Ambition

The vision is that careers is embedded in the curriculum and becomes part of the fabric of the Academy allowing students to have the knowledge, skills and experience to make successful choices and transitions at the key points in Years 9,11 and 13 and understand the demands of transition.

Students need to understand how their choices might be influenced by the state of the labour market. Students will also need to appreciate the impact of technology and artificial intelligence on their future careers.

The Academy has consistently achieved significantly higher than average progress for students at GCSE and both students and teachers are ambitious and driven.

The percentage of students who attend Russell Group University is higher than the national average. Many students are the first in their family to attend university and students may not have had exposure to a range of careers within their networks therefore facing societal barriers as well as contextual influences around stereotypes that will inhibit social mobility. There is a relatively low take up apprenticeships at all levels

Bromley Ambition: information, inspiration, motivation

Bromley ambition

The careers programme has been branded as Bromley Ambition in order to be easily recognised by students and parents and to raise the profile of careers education.

Bromley Ambition is a comprehensive careers programme that comprises of information, networking experiences and an understanding of the workplace landscape to broaden students’ horizons and aims to inspire students by raising aspiration and motivating all students at Harris Girls’ Academy Bromley

Bromley Ambition will allow every student to acquire information and skills and receive unbiased guidance to make informed choices that realises their talent and potential and shapes their future success.

The academy ethos is “all can:we will.” The careers strategy links with the language of the academy in that it is inclusive and that the expectation is that students demonstrate CORE values and are committed, optimistic, resilient and empathetic who have high aspirations and are polite, enthusiastic and ambitious.

Our Careers Policy and Baker Clause/Provider Access Policy can be downloaded from the Teaching & Learning page of our website.

Our careers team

Our Careers Leads are:

The Academy is supported by the Harris Federation Team who arrange events, including webinars, and communicate opportunities to students via a dedicated website.

The Team attend all Sixth Form Managers meetings to raise the profile of careers education. There is a dedicated careers advisor who spends one day a week conducting careers interviews with Year 11 – 13 as well as targeted groups such as Most Able. MAPP and SEND students.

Within the Academy the Careers Leader will work with the Attendance Officers and Behaviour Mentors to monitor engagement and link students with to the careers advisor. Students who leave are invited to become members of the alumni association, Future First. Alumni visit the school for assemblies and careers events.

Gatsby benchmarks

The Compass Plus Evaluation Tool is being regularly updated in order to plan strategically to meet all Gatsby Benchmarks. It shows that the Academy has significant areas of strength in providing personal guidance and linking curriculum with careers, and work is being done to allow more encounters with employers and employees and experiences of workplaces and further and higher education.

Staff are aware that a stable careers programme is a statutory right for all students in the academy. Teachers understand the careers strategy and are working towards achieving all the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Bromley Ambition Careers Programme - for each year group

Click HERE for further details of our careers programme for each year group, or see a student-friendly version below.



The central aim of Harris Girls Academy Bromley is to provide effective education and training for all of our students, through a well-structured and highly effective programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). 

A Careers Advisor is contracted to HGABR 36 days per year as part of a Harris Federation agreement. Caroline Jackson is our allocated careers advisor.

The following services are provided throughout the year at HGABR.

  • A varied careers library situated in the whole school LRC is available to all students. All students have the opportunity to visit the library and access the books. In addition the Sixth Form Study areas is well equipped with university prospectuses and literature on alternative career routes.
  • An academy wide PSHE programme is delivered to all students covering career choices/pathways, financial guidance (salaries and income), employment rights and careers for the future.
  • An informed drop down day for Year 9 students is followed by an information evening for parents to guide the subject choices to study at GCSE. This is followed by 1:1 subject meetings with senior leaders to advise and make informed choices.
  • Year 10 students will take part in group career meetings prior to their 1:1 meetings in Year 11. Students are instructed to start considering their next steps in preparation to entering their GCSE exam year.
  • 1:1 meetings for all Year 11 students with senior leaders to support and guide with progression into KS5
  • A level taster sessions available in all subjects to Y11 students.
  • Individual Careers Guidance in the form of 1:1 interviews. All Year 11, 12 and 13 students will receive a careers interview throughout the academic year with the federation careers advisor.

Evaluation and individual careers plans are constructed as a result of the interviews and kept on file for future interviews and discussions. Those students who raise concerns regarding their future are re-interviewed in the Summer Term. Careers advisors are on hand at GCSE and A-Level results day to supportand guide students in making the correct choice for their next level of education.

Other Careers Services

  • Y11 Academic and Personal References are completed by Faculty Directors.
  • Details of student destinations, post-HGABR are kept on file. Interviews and support is made available for those without confirmed progression routes. This support continues until students have a confirmed progression route post results.

Other Careers Services

  • GCSE and P16 Option process
  • Bromley experience visits to universities
  • Visiting speakers arranged through Bromley Experience programme.
  • Federation ‘Next Steps’ evening for students and parents of Year 11, 12 and 13.

Careers2Bromley Ambition Careers Fair for Years 8-13

Our annual Careers Fair is a fantastic opportunity for our students to discover a broad range of professional pathways. Held in the main hall, the fair showcases a diverse range of careers, and our volunteers offer unique insights to our students.

At our 2024 Careers Fair, alongside representatives from local colleges and further education providers, careers represented included:

  • Civil Service
  • PR and Marketing
  • Legal
  • Architectural
  • Police and Fire Service
  • Professional Services (from accountancy to consultancy)

The Careers Fair serves as a catalyst for our students' career exploration journey, providing them with first-hand knowledge and invaluable insights into various professions. By fostering connections between students and professionals across different industries, we aim to empower our students to make informed decisions about their futures and embark on fulfilling career paths.

We extend our thanks to all the professionals and organisations who generously contributed their time and expertise to make our 2024 Careers Fair event a resounding success.

If you are interested in supporting our Careers Fair 2025, please contact 

For parents

We hope that the above is helpful in providing information about the Careers Education that your daughter receives at the Academy. If you have any further questions, please email our Careers Leads:

For employers

If you are a local employer and would like to partner with our school for outreach programmes or work experience, please get in touch with our Careers Leads: