16-19 Tuition Fund 2023-24
Harris Girls’ Academy Bromley will use the funding provided by the government’s 16 to 19 tuition fund to support students whose education has been disrupted during the pandemic.
Eligible students
All students are in either Year 12 or Year 13 and studying full time at the academy. Eligible students will be selected on the basis of SEN, students with an EHC plan and pupil premium students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Priority will be given to students who have not achieved a grade 4 or 5 in English and/or maths. However, students who have not been able to achieve their full academic potential will be considered for additional support. Data from end of Year 12 exams and induction tests will be used to identify gaps in students' learning and determine students’ eligibility for additional catch-up support.
How the funding will be allocated
The funding will be ring-fenced for the purpose of small group tuition. Therefore, funding will be allocated to the cost of additional tuition uniquely. Identified students will be provided with tuition that is additional to their programme of study. Tuition will take place on a one-to-one basis or very small groups of a maximum of up to five students. Tuition will take place either during the school day, on Saturday mornings or during the school holidays.
Tuition will either take place at the academy, in person, and be delivered by high quality providers from Impress the Examiner who are a third-party provider and who have a strong track record of delivering tutoring to students from our academy that is bespoke to individual student’s needs, or online one-on-one through a company called MyTutor. All tutors from MyTutor are vetted tutors who recently studied the same qualification they will be tutoring. Tutors will be selected on the basis that they are very experienced in supporting students who are preparing for examinations. A Higher-Level Teaching Assistant will support students who have not achieved a level 4 in maths with one-to-one support. Additionally, some class teachers may offer tuition during the school holidays. In addition to maths and English GCSE, the fund will be used to support identified students with additional tuition in both A level and vocational subjects.
The intention is to allocate all the funds awarded to the academy in the academic year 2023-24. The academy will record all students who are in receipt of tuition and evidence the number of hours of funding and how the funding has been allocated for additional small group tuition via the census and individual learner record. The academy will notify ESFA of any unspent funding from this fund at the end of the 2022-23 academic year for it to be reclaimed.