Drama is about more than just performance, and throughout our students’ time at Harris Girls’ Academy Bromley, we aim to equip them with the skills and qualities that drama is so capable of providing.
We are committed to instilling teamwork, empathy, collaboration, confidence, and empowerment, and our curriculum reflects this. From Year 7, students are encouraged to see the world from different perspectives, to work together in ways they normally would not, and to be creative and imaginative.
Students are always encouraged to perform, and we strive to build confidence in all our girls, ensuring a safe environment where all feel able to try, regardless of the outcome.
As their creative skills develop, students engage with plays, scripts, and practitioners, and analyse these on a deeper, more complex level, which combine with performative skills to enable a full understanding not only of the theatrical world, but also of skills essential for everyday life: teamwork, presentation skills, empathy, and acceptance.
A more detailed breakdown regarding subject content can be found on the exam board website using the following link: