Latest News
Posted on October 5th 2020
Black History Month 2020
HGABR is talking about #BlackHistoryMonth2020 as part of tutor time. Why is it important? How has 2020 been a historic year?
As part of this discussion we are also raising awareness for the Create your own inspired project and upload it to the above link. Deadline is 31/10/2020.
What are other departments doing?
As part of #BlackHistoryMonth2020, our Maths Dept. are discussing 2 famous Mathematicians this week and their amazing contributions to this field. If you know of any others to contribute to the Maths Dept. or want to discuss this in more depth, please speak with Miss Campbell or Miss Dickens.
With a slight change to our weekly recommendations, this Months Must Read books are in recognition of #BlackHistoryMonth2020. From firebrand fiction to cultural history we celebrate classic works and contemporary triumphs from the best black authors.