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Our truly AWESOME netball teams are on a winning streak at the moment! Teams in 7, 8 and 9 all winning against local teams since the year began! We could not be prouder of our girls


🇨🇳✨ Some of our Year 5 & 6 students had an amazing time at the Chinese Culture Showcase this afternoon! They were treated to a spectacular display of Chinese arts and Mandarin, enriching their cultural understanding. 🎭🈺


Culture Catwalk! 🇦🇪🇲🇲🇨🇮🇺🇦🇳🇬🇲🇦🇻🇪🇵🇰🇪🇸🇸🇩🇯🇲#allcanwewill


HGABR Culture Day 2024, what a way to finish a phenomenal term, celebrating each other and what we all bring to our special community


Culture Day candy for staff and students


HGABR Culture Day 2024 is in full swing! It’s a beautiful celebration of our rich culture and heritage, and a masterclass in sisterhood- our girls cheering each other on and celebrating diversity


Yesterday at lunch our wonderful and talented Director of Maths, Mrs McMillan surprised the girls at lunchtime with a Christmas singalong!


CORE day is about taking our CORE values of commitment, optimism, resilience and empathy on the road and to experience new opportunities and making new memories


We’re having the best time at HGABR this week! CORE day on Wednesday meant our whole academy enjoying exciting trips and activities; Tower of London, Bank of England, London Dungeon, RAD dance workshops, Science Musuem, Cutti Sark the list goes on!


Our future lawyers are on a tour of the Royal Courts of Justice and a visit to the Old Bailey court rooms


Christmas CORE Day is upon us! Some of our sixth formers have opted to explore the City of London and Bank of England as future financiers 💸💰💵#allcanwewill


We had the most beautiful evening at our winter concert yesterday evening. Our HGABR musicians performed magnificently and got us all in the festive spirit!


📚HGABR Library Updates: Our brand-new librarian, Amrit, has been recommending our brand-new books to fellow readers Arianna and Klaudija 📚


Today, we held our deeply moving Remembrance event at St George's church 🕯️🙏 A beautiful tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice 🌹 We are very grateful for the powerful performances by and 🎶 See our Instagram for more photos and videos 📸 #


To many lives we owe a debt, Remembrance Day, Lest we Forget, That for each of us alive today, A stranger died, far away.


Our Year 9 and 10 students loved reading 's wonderful book Boys Don't Cry in Book Club and we can't wait to hear her talk about it at this event next week


This is wonderful! Great work Miss Holley-Willis!


All looking good for 3:40pm arrival! 👍


We have 81 very muddy, tired and super impressive Year 7 girls (and 7 teachers!) on the coach and heading back to HGABR! Current ETA is 3:40pm but will post updates here and text parents


We're incredibly grateful for all the generous food donations to our community hub! 🙏❤️ If you or someone you know is in need, please visit our Community Hub for support. Share this with friends and family to spread the word! 🍎🥫

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Exam Results and Performance

Congratulations to all Year 11 & Year 13 students on their 2024 GCSE & A-Level results at Harris Girls’ Academy Bromley. Each and every one of our students deserves to be commended.

View our Department for Education performance information. See how we compare with other schools in Bromley.

The grades achieved reflect the hard work of students at the Academy, not just over the past couple of years but throughout their time at school.

We are thrilled that so many of our Year 11 students have decided to continue their studies with us and also with the brilliant university destinations our Year 13 students are moving onto, including Cambridge, Warwick, Southampton and Kings' College London, to name a few. We wish all of our students the best of luck in their next steps.

GCSE results 2024

  • In 2023-24, 82% of students gained at least a Grade 4 in Maths and English and 69% gained a Grade 5 or higher.
  • 70% of students achieved the challenging and coveted EBacc qualification, which means they successfully passed in English, Maths, Science, a humanities subject and a language.
  • The Progress 8 score is currently estimated at +0.98

GCSE subject results

Progress 8 is a measure of the progress students have made in the time they have been at the Academy. A progress 8 score of 0 means that on average students achieved the same progress at this Academy in that subject compared to all students nationally with the same results at the end of primary school. A progress 8 score of 1 means that on average students achieved a whole grade higher than students nationally in this subject with similar KS2 results.

Validated Progress 8 data for individual subjects will be available shortly.

A-Level and CTEC results 2024

The average grade achieved in A-Level qualifications this year at HGABR was a grade B-, and the average grade in CTEC qualifications was a Distinction-.

Over half of all A-Level entries at Harris Girls' Academy Bromley this year achieved impressive A*-B grades and a quarter the top A*-A grades. We are equally thrilled that 59% of CTEC grades achieved the top Distinction*-Distinction grades.

Twenty eight per cent of the year group have secured places at the top Russell Group universities and 75% of students who applied to university are heading to their first choice.

A particularly exceptional achievement was for Emilia Di Pari who achieved A*A*A and is attending Trinity Hall, Cambridge to study English Literature in October. We are also thrilled for Tyla Webb who achieved AAB and is attending Birmingham University to study Medicine.

Other students going on to their university of choice include: 

  • Asia Cadwallader who achieved A*AA and is studying English and French at Warwick
  • Marina Gulijska who achieved AAA and is studying Biochemistry at Imperial
  • Marjana Khanom Feha who achieved A*A*A and is studying Politics and International Relations at LSE
  • Bebe Luck who achieved AAA and is studying Business Management at Birmingham
  • Edith Shaw who achieved A*AA and is studying Philosophy with French at York
  • Liepa Zukauskaite who achieved AAA and is studying Politics and International Relations at Southampton
  • Mariam Ogunbanwo who achieved Dist*DistB and is studying Children's Nursing at King’s College London
  • Taija Bryan who achieved AAAA and is studying Mathematics and Statistics with a Professional Placement at Queen Mary University London

Exam Certificates

Certificates can be collected from December of the year students sit their exams, upon request otherwise Harris Girls' Academy Bronly holds uncollected exam certificates for 24 months. Please contact the Academy before coming in to collect via, or call 020 8778 5917.

We are unale to send certificates by post as they have to be signed for. If 24 months has elapsed you will have to contact the exam bards irectly to get copies of your certificates. There is normally a charge from the exam boards for this.